What do you need to birth at home?
published March 2019, last updated 8 March 2022
NEW in MARCH 2022 - printable PDF download of this list here!
At the end of the day, if all you have is yourself, baby WILL be born!
(think - unplanned car births?!)
Everything else is simply for comfort, convenience, and easy clean up!
So get what you need to make your birth comfortable for YOU.
It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, or "Insta" worthy, just clean and dry.
This is a list of (hopefully) helpful ideas to get you started.
Please don't get discouraged by the length of the list, or think that you have to rush out and buy a ton of items - most things you will have at home already, and most of it is personal preference. I have tried to make it comprehensive so that you can pick and choose what YOU want from the examples.
Ideas for Labour Comfort
Wash cloths (can be kept in a crockpot to stay warm, or dipped in cool water for cold relief)
Heating pad
Comb for holding
Water and electrolyte type drinks (coconut water, red raspberry leaf tea, and "labouraide" are popular)
Bendy straw for drinks
Snacks and food (for you and any birth partners/attendants)
Exercise/"birthing" ball
Essential oils in rollers
Printed affirmations
Camera/Video recorder (a back up camera is also helpful in case of technical issues or flat batteries)
Ambience lighting (fairy lights, salt lamp, unscented candles)
Pillows, blankets, or bed for kneeling on
Herbs and tinctures for labour (eg. Arnica 200ck, Rescue Remedy )
A plan for natural pain relief
Something for the blood and mess
(protect any material surfaces that you plan to labour on and absorb fluids for easy clean up)
Old blankets
Old towels (at least 2, but the more the merrier)
Shower curtain/plastic sheets
Flannel backed tablecloth
Mattress protector
Chux pads, "blueies" or unscented puppy toilet training pads (can buy in packs of 10, 20, 50 etc) (unscented is chemical free and safe for you and baby)
Garbage bags
Laundry detergent/cleaning agent for any blood/amniotic fluid on towels, floor and furniture
Bucket for vomit
Tip: rinse towels, then wash on cold as it will get most blood out and your towels will come up as new.
For the Baby
Warm receiving blanket/s for baby
Baby diapers, newborn size
Clean size 0000 or 000 onesie and socks (or cotton swaddling blanket if you don't want to dress baby straight away)
Boobs (or other milk source)
Something for the placenta
Bowl, tray or empty container/icecream tub
Large ziplock bag if you intend to freeze the placenta (can freeze in container too)
Clean, sharp scissors, scalpel, or knife (they don't need* to be sterile - read here)
Cord clamp, tie, or cetro cord ring
(not necessary in a full lotus birth)Herbs, salts, muslin etc if doing lotus birth​
Berries etc if planning a smoothie
Waterbirth items
Extra towels (lots of towels!)
Towel for drying baby
Birth pool, kiddie pool, or large bath/tub
Drinking safe hose and connector
Pump and attachments
Pool liner
Scoop/mesh for poop
Cushion/ing for under the pool liner if the pool or bath is flat
Thermometer (floating is helpful)
Heating method and back up plan eg large pots on stove or electric kettle
Tip: If you can, do a dry (wet) run of the pool to check for leaks, ascertain filling time, and see if you're comfy with the depth.
Emergency Supplies
Emergency plan (neonatal resuscitation etc)
Tinctures (Australia: Placenta Release and No Bleed. USA: Angelica and Wombstringe - read why here)
2x Cord clamp (in case of a short cord breaking)
Rescue Remedy (shock in mother or baby)
Superglue, manuka honey and seaweed strips (minor tears)
Transfer supplies bag (create a postpartum essentials supplies box and dump into a bag, if, and only if, you need to transfer)
Large maternity or overnight Pads (disposable or cloth)
Adult diapers
Waterproof sex/squirt blanket (for freebleeding or labouring on)
Postpartum healing and afterbirth pains remedies (Arnica 30C, herbal tea, herbal sitz baths and sprays, after ease tincture)
Australian herbal supplier (https://www.blissfulherbs.com.au/)
Rescue remedy for "3rd day blues" and general PP anxiety
Heat bag (for after birth pains)
Paracetamol/ibuprofen (afterbirth pains)
Waterproof protection for the bed for your first nights sleep/bleeding
Nipple cream - doubles as nappy cream (https://earthmamaorganics.com/products/organic-nipple-butter.html)
Wire-free nursing bras or easy access feeding tops
Peri Bottle/Water bottle for perineum/tears (an empty sauce bottle works fine)
Tip: have a tub for things close to your bed, and a plan for your support person/s to bring you food and do the cleaning up so you can rest with baby.
​Additional Optional item suggestions
Flashlight (for checking yourself postpartum, or for your partner to see better during the birth)
mirror (as above)
Eldon card (for testing cord blood to find baby's blood type, particularly handy if you are RH- and need to know for Anti-D)
flexible or paper tape measure (sewing ones work well)
Rebozo or wrap carrier for abdominal lift and tucks and other techniques
scale for weighing baby (fish scale, luggage scale, kitchen scales, or a standard bathroom scale - you stand on with and without the baby)
If you use a fish scale, then a blanket tied in a knot, or a ring sling is handy to suspend baby
You can also purchase items such as stethoscope, fetoscope, Doppler, blood pressure cuff. I personally do not recommend these, as being untrained in their use will simply worry you unnecessarily in labour. However, of course, if you feel that they will reassure you, then by all means, get what you need to feel safe and comfortable in labour.
​Bonus: Items you DON'T need at your birth
Bulb syringe (can force fluid down rather than up - use your mouth instead to suction)
Infant hats (baby will be warm enough cuddling you and sniffing their head is good for oxytocin)
Fancy medical supplies and premade kits
Toxic or fearful people or opinions (this doesn't need an explanation)
Anything that doesn't add to your comfort - ignore as much of this list as you want!
Happy home birthing!
Printable checklist PDF of this list download: here!
Another helpful list by Blissful Herbs Australian supplier: http://melbournedoula.blogspot.com/2008/06/suggestions-for-your-home-birth-kit.html
Suggestions on where to buy birth supplies: here on our exterior resources page.