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Welcome to Unassisted Home Birth Australia

For women, by women  - through Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

Home: Welcome

An Old Way made new

Unassisted Home Birth Australia is dedicated to providing facts, information, and resources for those women and families who are considering or having an unassisted home birth in Australia.

Home: About Us

How to Have an Unassisted Birth

All you need to know - and more!

tarasea baby cuddles.jpg
Baby Laundry Hanging on a Clothesline

Birthing Unassisted

The FAQ and details

Self-Directed Prenatal Care

Natural & Safe

Your Baby and You Postpartum

Pro family the whole way through

Exterior Resources

helpful websites, blogs, podcasts and books

Home: Our Services
Home: Gallery

The journey has started and you are in charge.

Wherever, and however you give birth, the power is yours.

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Happy Mother with her Child

Our Vision

(Image from Wix)

Birth belongs to women.

And I believe that birth education belongs to women too. It should be free and easily accessible.

This site came out of my difficulty in accessing Australian, nay even, any, freebirth resources while pregnant with my first baby.

After that birth, and while pregnant with my next freebirthed baby, I planned and wrote out the first of many articles, in the hopes of providing clear information, or at the very least, a starting point for other women.

I hope to build a bridge, a plank at a time, and where there are gaps in my own knowledge, point you in the direction of women who can help you far better than I can.

Birth belongs to women. And there are many wise women who have been steeped in birth wisdom for longer than I have been alive.  I hope to distill, collate, and share that information with you.

I’m drawing on oral and written tradition and ancient wisdom for a holistic view of physiological birth.
And then doing my best to present it in a modern and comprehensible way - online!

You will notice this site is free of advertisements and affiliate links.
It is completely volunteer run in order to remain true to the vision of free and accessible information.

We never ask for or accept monetary donations.
We have no courses, no books that we are trying to sell you. What you see is what you get. As fast as we can write articles, they are put up here in the menu for you.

If you can assist me in my vision in any way, please do by suggesting resources, adding information, giving us placenta/cord pictures, or just letting me know of a spelling error - contact me!

This website can be improved with your help. We want to hear about your experiences, traditions, and practices. If you have any suggestions for improving this website, or making it better meet the needs, let me know. Your comments will
help make future and current articles better!

Or, if you would like to submit a guest article, I’d love to hear your thoughts too. (We are not taking birth stories at this time, as there are plenty of websites, podcasts, and Facebook groups dedicated to those)

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