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What is unassisted birth?


Unassisted birth is defined as birth without any medically trained person attending in that capacity. (Doctor, midwife, nurse, paramedic, etc)


Unassisted birth is always "natural" i.e epidural-free, and vaginal, as the epidural or surgical birth can only be done by medical personnel. ​


Planned unassisted birth is deliberately choosing an unassisted birth without medical personnel present. 


This planned unassisted birth is also known colloquially  as “freebirth”, “autonomous birth”, “unhindered” birth, "DIY Birth", "self-directed birth" and sometimes, “wild” birth.

("Freebirth" was coined by Jeanine Parvati Baker as early as the 70s, and "Self-directed birth" was coined by Sarah Schmid in 2015 or earlier. But unassisted birth has been around for as long as women have been giving birth.)


Unplanned unassisted may mean accidentally giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital, or giving birth before the midwife arriving.


Homebirth is defined as giving birth at home. Some women may give birth in a rental, airbnb, or caravan. Basically, any place you live that is not a hospital or birthing centre is a homebirth.


All homebirths are vaginal by definition, since C-sections are not possible except in a specialised operating theatre, usually at a hospital. 


Unassisted (planned or unplanned) does NOT mean you are or were unsupported. You can have your husband, mother, sister, friend, children, photographer, or doula with you for emotional support.

(Although you can birth alone, too

It's your choice!)


Why choose a planned unassisted homebirth?

Some women really want to avoid the over-medicalisation, “cascade of intervention”, coerced induction, or routine C sections that can happen in the hospital. They want to avoid the ridiculously high chance of being cut open in hospital (see image with statistics below)

Some women want to decline everything that happens in the hospital so they see no point in even going in.

Some women see no need for the Vit K, Hep B, heel pricks and other unnatural post baby interventions.

Some women trust their bodies to do what they are made to do.

Some women see hospitals as being for sick people, & birth as not a sickness.

Some women want to give birth in the privacy and comfort of their own home, without invasive checks, and constant interruptions. 


Sara Wickham looks at why some women freebirth, current evidence and links to other articles and studies.


If any of these sound like you, perhaps an unassisted birth is for you. 


And if it doesn't sound like you, that's okay too!


Home birth isn't for everyone.

Unassisted home birth isn't for everyone.


But safe, informed, supported birth IS for every woman.


And it is my hope that you get the birth you deserve, regardless of where, when, how, and with whom you birth.


What is Unassisted Birth?: Text
What is Unassisted Birth?: Image
What is Unassisted Birth?: Image
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