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Natural Birth Pain Relief: Image

Natural Birth pain relief suggestions

One of the helpful aspects of choosing a home birth is that being at home, in familiar surrounds, allows your natural relaxation and endorphins to help with some pain. And no-one is there telling you that you cannot be in the shower, or walk around. Your only limitations are what you have on hand.

Your birth, your way!


You may want to look into each of these further, but for now, here is a list of simple suggestions to get you started.

You may want to use different suggestions at different times in your labour, and some will not work for you at all. Experiment and be flexible. Only do what helps YOU and makes you feel more comfortable.


You can utilise:


  • Heat/water (birth pool, bath, shower, warm wet cloths)

  • Heat (heat bag, hot water bottle)



  • Cold (cool cloths on face, fan)


  • Pressure (massage and other partner techniques such as hip squeezes. Comb-in-hand technique)


  • Movement (different positions such as standing or kneeling, swaying, leaning over a yoga ball)

  • Movement/realignment (rebozo, Spinning Babies, chiropractic)


  • Breathing (relaxing, horse lips, open mouth)

  • Breathing/vocalising (deep sounds, ooooo sounds)




  • Hypno (Hypnobabies, hypnobirthing)


  • Environment (candles, fairy lights, affirmations on the wall, relaxing or upbeat music)

  • Environment ( keeping the temperature perfect and even)


  • Support (positive people, your partner, a doula etc - this is a HUGE one as the right person can make you doubt yourself and transfer for an epidural. Choose support people who are not fearful of the strength of birth and who know how to support you. )


  • Sustenance (food, snacks, cold water, ice, herbal tea)


Natural modalities

  • Herbs and oils (Motherwort or other tinctures, arnica pellets, lavender essential oil)


  • Distraction (music, talking, Netflix, while in early labour can do housework etc)

  • Other (TENS machine)

Natural Birth Pain Relief: Text

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Natural Birth Pain Relief: Image

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