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published 20 July 2022

Holistic Mastitis Tips For Treatment Without Antibiotics

Jump down to tips -below.

AS of May 2022, NEW GUIDELINES were published by the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine to update their recommended clinical protocols. 

I became aware of these updates in Dec 2022.

It is kind of ridiculous to me that it has taken this long for medicine to do research into female specific issues. Now after thousands of years of breastfeeding, we finally understand that we should view mastitis as a spectrum. 

“In the past, mastitis has been regarded as a single pathological entity in the lactating breast. However, scientific evidence now demonstrates that mastitis encompasses a spectrum of conditions resulting from ductal inflammation.  If ductal narrowing and alveolar congestion are worsened by overstimulation of milk production, then inflammatory mastitis can develop, and acute bacterial mastitis may follow. This can progress to phlegmon or abscess, particularly in the setting of tissue trauma from aggressive breast massage.” ABM revised protocols 

"The new clinical protocol from ABM outlines several key changes that significantly shift what we thought we knew about the condition, namely that plugged ducts are more accurately described as “ductal narrowing,” that ice and other anti-inflammatory treatments should be used to manage [inflammatory] mastitis instead of heat, and that extra pumping and other measures used to increase drain the breast will only hurt, not help." 

ICE, ICE BABY (simplified explanation of the new method for inflammatory mastitis) 

So for the rest of this article, please keep in mind that inflammatory mastitis (red, engorged, painful breasts) is not the same as bacterial mastitis (infection with fever, chills etc). And so treatment can vary - the new guidelines will not work on bacterial mastitis.

Have a look at the information surrounding mastitis and decide for yourself at what stage of mastitis you have and what treatments are best to use. What are you drawn to? What does your intuition say? What do you as a  unique woman with a unique lactation journey and baby need to be supported and healing at this time?
I include both aspects from the old and new protocols below, as some will apply to different scenarios. And we KNOW that certain herbs and techniques [passed down from wise women do work for bacterial mastitis. Please remember that no type of mastitis is dangerous for baby - you can nurse and pump for baby to drink as usual. However, should you decide you do need antibiotics, get a breastfeeding safe one, as that WILL affect baby through your milk.

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"Mastitis,  an  infection  in  a  milk  duct,  often  starts  with  a  clogged [narrowed] duct.  The  duct  overfills,  becomes  inflamed,  and then  bacteria  starts  to  grow. The  symptoms  are  a  hard,  red,  splotchy,  hot,  and  very  painful  spot  on  the  breast, fever,  and  flu-like  symptoms. It  often  comes  on  very  suddenly  and  must  be  treated  quickly  before  it  becomes serious.  Prevention  is  much  more  effective  than  treatment.  The  standard  treatment  is  immediate  medical  care that  includes  a  round  of  antibiotics.  This  natural  protocol  has  been  very effective,  in  my experience,  and  early stages  of  mastitis  have  always  resolved  in  my experience,  if  it  is  followed  closely. Do  not  hesitate  to  seek medical  attention  if  symptoms  worsen  or  do  not  subside  within  24  hours.   

This natural protocol is a guest piece and was kindly given to me by a midwife, who allowed me to share it here to reach more women.

Natural  Mastitis  Protocol by Guest Midwife 

Here's what I've used to treat [bacterial] mastitis without antibiotics. It's never failed me, when taken seriously and continued for some time after symptoms disappear. I keep sunflower lecithin in my cupboard, and take it every time I feel the slightest twinge, clog, or wake up engorged. 

If you're getting mastitis frequently, it may also indicate a yeast overgrowth or another issue.

Every two  waking  hours,  take  the  following  supplements:

Sunflower  Lecithin,  2400mg   

Goldenseal  Root  Tincture,  700-1000mg Pokeweed  Tincture  1000mg 

1-2  cloves  raw  garlic, crushed 

1000mg Vitamin C 

Drink  1  gallon  of  water,  per  day.   

Take  homeopathic  Phytolacca  30C, four  times  a  day,  at  least  15  minutes  away from  food  and  drink.

 At  least  twice  a  day, take  a  hot  shower,  or  dangle  the  breast  in  water  as  hot  as  you  can  stand,  for  a  few minutes.  Then,  look  carefully at  the  nipple,  and  squeeze  out  any white  spots.  After  you  have  squeezed  them out,  breastfeed  your  baby, pump,  or  hand  express  to  drain  the  clogged  ducts.  Completely  drain  the  breast  AT LEAST  twice  a  day. Breastfeeding  will  be  very  uncomfortable,  but  it  is  necessary to  resolve  mastitis. Milk  from an  infected  breast  will  not  harm  your  baby.  In  order  to  more  effectively  drain  the  milk  duct,  lay your  baby on  a bed  and  kneel  over  him/her,  dangling  your  breast  into  baby’s  mouth. Point  the  clogged  side  of  the  breast toward  baby’s  chin. Continue  this  protocol  until  symptoms  have  resolved  completely. You  may  taper  your  doses  off  gradually, if you  wish. Continue  taking  2400mg  of  sunflower  lecithin  daily  to  prevent  future  incidents.  Double  that  dose  if you  feel  a  sore  spot  forming. Lecithin  is  an  emulsifier  that  mixes  the  fatty  milk  with  the  watery  milk,  thus dissolving  and  preventing  clogs.   I recommend  keeping  these  supplements  on  hand  throughout  your  breastfeeding  journey,  to  be  taken  at  the first  symptoms.  

More Mastitis Tips

Here are some more tips and suggestions for you collected from UBHA's personal experience and supportive Facebook groups


  • Sunflower Lethicin at the first twinge or engorgement and any changes eg baby drops a feed or sleeps through

  • A shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (mix with a little water) at the first twinge

  • Increase fluids

  • Nurse as often as needed

  • Do not confuse early postpartum engorgement (usually days 3-5) with mastitis.

  • Avoid tight bras

Important notes:

  • Attack [bacterial] mastitis immediately 

  • Get as much milk out as needed

  • No type of mastitis is dangerous for baby - baby can nurse or drink pumped milk as usual

Treatment Suggestions:


  • steaming hot rag compresses (+Parsley Trick)

  • Hot bath/shower while hand expressing

  • Hot rags on infected breast (as hot as you can handle, and then a little hotter)

  • Massage the breast from nipple to clog (a little bit at a time, expressing after each, to clear the way for the lump to come out)

  • Massage lumps towards the nipple
    (note that massaging the "lump" is no longer recommended)

  • "The most successful technique approximates manual lymphatic drainage with light sweeping of the skin rather than deep tissue massage." - ABM

  • Haakaa filled with hot water and Epsom salt suctioned on 

  • Dangle feeding (put baby's chin towards the most painful area) / dangle pumping

  • Lots of liquids and electrolytes to keep from dehydration

  • Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation

  • Echinacea (assists the body in fighting off infections)

  • Homeopathics (try Belladonna, Phytolacca, or Pulsatilla - remember to treat the symptoms)

  • Vitamin C (for infection and inflammation)

  • Vitamin E 

  • Blackmores P.C.I.P. (potassium chloride supplement)

  • GARLIC "tea" = garlic, ginger, honey, lemon (garlic is the most important part here) or just eat raw garlic

  • Acupoint stimulation to help with lymph flow

  • Cabbage leaves in your bra (cool and soothing, good for engorgement BUT can cause a decrease in milk supply so don't use too often)

  • Cream to help massage (can contain things like charcoal, calendula)

  • Squeeze out any white lumps at the nipple, or express the duct that has thick yellow milk coming out

  • Australian Mastitis Tincture by Blissful Herbs (


  • Tylenol (USA) / Ibuprofen (AUS)

  • Cold cloth on head

  • Warm blankets on body

  • Husband's body warmth for body chills

  • Really warm bath for body chills​

When it's over:

  • Nurse, pump, eat, drink, sleep extra to rebuild milk supply

  • Take Sunflower lecithin to help prevent clogged ducts, which will prevent reoccurrence of mastitis

  • Make sure to empty out breast at every feeding with hand massaging and heat for a few days

Parsley Trick

  • Put a handful of parsley, fresh or dried, in a clean cloth and tie it shut.

  • Then place it in a pot of simmering (not boiling!) water and steep it for 10-15 minutes. 

  • Take the hot, wet bundle (as hot as you can stand it) and hold it on the sore area of your breast until it cools. 

  • Repeat as necessary, though be aware, repeated application can affect supply for some women, though many women find that once is enough when followed by nursing baby on the sore side and then sleeping for as long as able

  • Parsley can cause supply issues and dry up milk

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