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Herbal Remedies for Labour and birth

published 18 January 2020, updated 18 January

Women have been using herbs for centuries, across all cultures, to assist in healthy living and ease of childbirth. We have the benefit of being able to access ancient wisdom from all around the world in a modern way, right at our fingertips. 

Herbs should be used as a holistic part of your life, as part of a larger picture, where you seek to nourish, care for, and heal yourself in many ways. This is the Wise Woman tradition.

Herbs, no matter how natural, ARE an intervention and a form of medication, especially when used at a strong potency.

Please do some research on the side effects for yourself on the ones you plan to use.

Use them wisely and appropriately. Some can be used daily, while others are best reserved for emergencies. 

Susun Weed's book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year is an excellent resource, and of course, you have the entire internet in your hands too.

Do NOT feel as if you have to purchase any or all of these for your self directed pregnancy and unassisted birth. This is just a list to help you see what's available and the benefits of using herbs should you choose them.

Tinctures are much stronger and more potent than teas or pills and are preferred in an emergency, such as postpartum hemhorrhage (PPH). However for general support, whatever form you prefer is fine.

Not all remedies work the same for every woman, so see what herbs, doses and forms work for you.

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This list contains the common herbal tinctures used by many freebirthing mothers and midwives.

For other tincture FAQs such as "What are tinctures" ( ) or Herbs for pregnancy  

The top 3 most commonly purchased for birth are: 

Angelica, Wombstringe, and AfterEase (USA)

Placenta Release, No Bleed, AfterPain Ease (AUS)


After-Pain Ease (blend by Blissful Herbs) (also available in alcohol-free)

Use: after birth, after bleeding is managed; for pain relief of the after pains (menstrual-like cramps as the uterus involutes (shrinks down) in the first 3-5 days)

Dosage: 5ml in water or juice. Up to 4 doses daily. Take when you feel cramps, or prior to breastfeeding (breastfeeding causes cramps)

AfterEase (blend by Wishgarden)

Use: after birth, after bleeding is managed; for pain relief of menstrual-like cramps as the uterus involutes (shrinks down) in the first 3-5 days

Best used for multi-gravida births.

Dosage: 2-4 droppers full in water or juice. Repeat as needed (allow 5-10 minutes for relief)

Angelica (Archangelica is much preferred over Sinesis/Dong Quai) (single herb)

Use: to release retained placenta, or to encourage placenta delivery when there is heavy bleeding before the placenta is out

Dosage: full dropper under tongue, hold for 10-20 seconds and swallow. Repeat in 1 minute if no change in bleeding. 

If just for retained placenta, attempt to pee and wait a few minutes before taking more doses.

Baby Blues (blend by Wishgarden)

Use: Emotional and hormonal support for new mothers

Dosage: Take 3mL in a little water; if needed, repeat in 5 minutes. For persistent discomforts, take 3 mL 3-4x/day or as practitioner recommended


Birth Boost (blend by Blissful Herbs)

Use: to boost contractions, and/or support a long labour, when tired, or when all other things like rest, food, positioning, Spinning Babies, have been tried

Dosage: Administer 5 mls (or 2 dropperfuls) in a little water or juice. Repeat dose in half an hour, then at 4 hourly intervals, if needed.

Cottonroot (single herb)

Uses: like a natural pitocin. may strengthen a stalled labour. Can cause the uterus to contract, stop postpartum hemorrhage.

Dosage: Dropper under the tongue and hold for 30 secs. Repeat in 1-2 mins if not resolved.

Cohosh, black (single herb)

Cohosh, blue  (single herb)

Use: Black can be used to soften the cervix, and blue can be used to start or strengthen contractions.

Dosage: (There are some concerns with these, so for now I won't advise doses, but leave it for you to research. Home Birth On Your Own Terms has a paragraph on them.)

Cayenne (single herb)

Use: regulates blood pressure and can aid bleeding to slow. When it wears off, can cause a resurgence of bleeding. Useful in a hurry, but use something else with/after it.

If no tincture is available, a teaspoon of cayenne (red pepper) can be drunk in warm water like a tea. (It will be spicy!)



Emergency Essence (blend by Australian Bush Flower Essences)

Use: Like an Australian specific Rescue Remedy. Has a comforting effect for emotional upset

Dosage: 7 drops under the tongue as needed


Hemhalt (blend by Mother's Herbal) (alcohol-free)

Use: to stop postpartum haemorrhage 

Dosage: 1 teaspoon under the tongue for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat in 5 minutes if needed.

Labour Boost (blend by Sunstone Formulas)

Use: to encourage effective labour

Dosage: 10 – 15 or more drops in a small amount of warm water or juice. For a couple of hours during labor, take it every 15 to 30 minutes, or as needed

Motherwort (single herb)

Uses: anxiety, ease of menstruation, ease of labour, normalizing mood swings. Calming, floaty effect. Also hemhorrhage prevention when taken after birth. Helps with painful after birth contractions.

Dosage: 2 dropperfuls in water or juice, 1-3 times a day for support. For immediate labour or pain relief, take 5-20 drops under the tongue.

Mastitis Blitz (blend by Blissful Herbs)

Use: for symptoms associated with blocked ducts and inflammation during lactation

Dosage: Warning. The dose must not be exceeded due to toxic side effects of pokeroot. Take 2 droppers 3 times daily, in a little water or juice.

This is 40% of the recommended allowable dose. Take this tincture for 3 consecutive days only.

No Bleed (blend by Blissful Herbs)

Use: curb excessive postpartum bleeding

Use during third stage if at any point bleeding becomes a concern, either before or after the birth of the placenta. (Yes, it is OK to take this tincture if bleeding seems fine but you're just feeling nervous because you had a big bleed last time.)

Dosage: 5ml under the tongue or in a little water or juice. You may increase the dose to 10 mls if you feel it is warranted (if bleeding does not lessen). Wait a few minutes and if there is still no cessation of bleeding, then have another 10 mls.

Placenta Release (blend by Blissful Herbs)

Use: to release retained placenta, or to encourage placenta delivery when there is heavy bleeding before the placenta is out

Usually used sometime after 30 minutes following the birth of the baby. Normally wait at least an hour for a physiological third stage.

Dosage: Give a 5 ml dose. Wait 5 – 10 minutes, observe for cord lengthening, then administer another 5 ml dose if warranted.

Rescue Remedy (Bach Flower Essence blend)

Use: Emotional support in pregnancy, labour, transition, postpartum, and any time! Great for shock, anxiety. Can be used for baby too.

Dosage: Spray = 2-3 sprays onto tongue

Dropper = Take 4 drops directly on the tongue or 4 drops in water and sip at intervals. Repeat as necessary.

Baby: spray onto each wrist.

Shepherd's Purse (single herb)

Use: Constricts blood vessels and contracts the uterus to stop heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging. Use only AFTER the placenta is out as it also close the cervix.

Dosage: 20-40 drops/full dropper under the tongue and hold for 10 seconds. Don’t dilute. Repeat in 1 minute if no change.

Wombstringe (blend by Wishgarden) (contains Shepherd’s purse)

Use: For heavy bleeding and stopping hemorrhage after the placenta is birthed

Dosage: 20-40 drops/full dropper under the tongue and hold for 10 seconds. Don’t dilute. Repeat in 1 minute if no change, and can be repeated as needed.


  • ​

**Please remember none of these dosages are medical advice. They are taken directly from the herbal brands own websites or Susun Weed's book or other books. And as such, should be assessed and adjusted to your own situation**

Some notes: 

There are other brands, such as Herblore, Herb Pharm, Christopher’s, that do their own single and blend tinctures. This is not an exhaustive list


You can buy all these tinctures premade, or buy the fresh/dried herbs and steep in alcohol or glycerin for at least 6 weeks to make your own.

The strongest tincture is made from fresh herbs, not dried.

More herbs you can look into:

yarrow, scullcap, alfalfa, blessed thistle, burdock root, fennel, fenugreek, ginger, gelsemium, goats rue, licorice root, lobelia, CBD, valerian.

Herbs to AVOID while pregnant: yarrow, angelica, pokeroot, goldenseal, sage, rue, hops.


Respect the herbs
Article by Susun Weed 


Herbs are no replacement for safe third stage care. The basic essentials to promote the peak flow of endogenous birth hormones for a safe third stage (separation and expulsion of the placenta, involution of the uterus, moderation of bleeding, initiation of breastfeeding) are:

Privacy, Warmth, Dim lighting, Peace and quiet, soft voices, no bustling, interruptions or disturbance. No busying around the room. No separation of mother and baby - baby lying on mother for uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact, mother and baby both topless.

No time frames, esp for placenta, and anyone with the mother must wait patiently. Wait for placenta to release before announcing the birth and disturbing the quiet

Keep bladder empty!

Peeing regularly in labour, and after the birth will give the placenta space to come out, and the uterus space to clamp down. If placenta seems slow to release, or the bleeding won’t ease, I suggest trying nursing the baby, and trying to urinate before taking herbs. You’d be surprised how much you can hold without feeling like you need to go.
Herbs won’t work as well, or at all, if you have a huge bladder preventing them from working. 

If your third stage has been managed in a hospital, or you have been induced, herbs are probably not appropriate anymore.

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Other Helpful Remedies

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Homeopathics for Childbirth 

  • Arnica montana pellets, arnica cream (bruising, swelling, bleeding, that "hit by a bus" feeling after birth)

  • Nux vomica (nausea)

  • Chamomilla (calming)

  • Pulsatilla (turn a breech baby)

Homeopathics for babies

  • Chamomilla

Book: Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and your Baby's First Year by Miranda Castro

Essential Oils for Childbirth

  • Clary Sage (encourages or starts contractions)

  • Peppermint (nausea, headaches, cooling topically, helps with urination) (NOT to be used after birth while breastfeeding as it can drop supply)

  • Lavender (relief from anxiety, calming, promotes sleep)

  • Helichrysthum (stop bleeding)

  • Frankincense (pain relief, emotions)

Warning: use quality oils, and dilute and test first.

Tip: use a roller or small cloth to sniff from rather than scent the whole room (could be irritating or cause headaches in labour, or affect the newborn, and if diffused - hard to remove the smell)

Other helpful remedies

  • Nipple cream (eg organic Earthmama) for dry cracked nipples and baby nappy rash

  • Herbal sitz baths (herbal blends) for healing and soothing a sore, swollen, or torn vagina/vulva

  • Red Rasberry Leaf Tea aka (RRLT) uterine tonic, best near the end of pregnancy

  • NORA Tea (Nettle, Oat, Raspberry Leaf, Alfalfa) for overall blood, liver, and uterine health and PPH prevention

  • Magnesium (tablets, oil, epsom salts) for muscle cramps, headaches, soften bowel movements, relaxation

  • Vitamin C (tablets, powder) anti inflammatory, prevent infection, promotes iron absorbtion 

  • Nature's Sunshine 5W blend ( pills) for the last 5 weeks of pregnancy, to prepare the body for a shorter labour and to birth before 41 weeks.

  • Femtrol (blend by Enzymatic Therapy) for excessive lochia or menstrual bleeding, or off balance hormones

  • Dandelion (tincture, tea, pills) liver tonic

  • Nettle (best mixed such as in tea) for iron, blood, and hemorrhage prevention

Where to buy:

Check the individual suppliers websites, midwifery supply sites, local herbal stores, Amazon, Ebay, iherb.

Disclaimer: This information is based on empirical and traditional herbal medicine. It is of a general informational nature and does not constitute medical advice and makes no therapeutic claims. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. Any health condition should be referred to your chosen health care practitioner. Check with your (natural) health care practitioner before commencing to use any herbal product, and be aware of any personal and family allergies. This tincture is NOT meant to be a replacement for safe, appropriate third stage care. It is assumed that a medical support plan will be at hand and all contingencies will be in place.

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