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I don't believe freebirth is for every woman: Image

published 15 August 2021

I don't believe freebirth is for all women

You should only do it if you want to.

If you don't want to, it's not for you.

Freebirth is, and should be an available choice for all women. But not all women need to choose it.

Every woman’s birth should be empowering, informed, safe, supported, and considered a special rite of passage.

And every woman will need and want different things to achieve that. Different locations, different support, different medical aid.

Because of this, regardless of where and how she births, the most important thing is that the birthing mother is treated as she should be, with respect, and as the authority on her own birth.

Furthermore, she should be supported, sustained, and encouraged in her unique Rite Of Passage to motherhood. 

This will allow her to come out of her birth feeling like the warrior mother she is, having handled every situation as she needed to for both her and her baby’s health and wellbeing.


♡  It is my fervent hope that you get the birth like this, the empowering birth you deserve, regardless of where, when, how, and with whom you birth - but especially because you were able to choose all that YOU needed to get your birth. ♡

I don't believe freebirth is for every woman: Text
I don't believe freebirth is for every woman: Image

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