The Hallway of Fears
posted February 2022
Imagine a hallway, and at the very end, straight ahead, is the door to your new baby. To the left and right of the hallway are doors. These doors are labelled with your fears of birth. "Hemorrhage" reads one. "Cord Prolapse" reads another. "Placenta retention" & on & on. Some are bigger fears "Baby is not breathing," others are smaller fears "Cutting the umbilical cord," or "Post-term baby"
The problem some mothers have is that they think in order to be fearless and have a straightforward birth, they must keep these doors closed. To them it is all about having enough power to keep their focus forward, ignoring the doors.
What happens is when they are in the intensity of labor, doubts rise and cause them to question everything behind these doors and to be overpowered by their darkness. They end up turning their eyes away from the straight path ahead & succumbing to interventions, trusting outside intuition & the educational statuses of others.
The secret in having a straightforward birth, is not keeping those doors shut. It's opening each & every door and turning on the lights. This is done by education & faith. You must search out each nook & cranny of those rooms and tackle every area of the unknown. Then, when it is time to give birth, there is no darkness lingering behind any closed door. There are open, lighted rooms. You are confident and fearless. Your eyes are set straightforward. If by chance you DO have to enter into one of those rooms, you know what is there. You are prepared.
You KNOW what you KNOW.