Encouraging Postpartum Affirmations
Published Nov 2020
If you haven't had your baby yet, jump back to pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding affirmations!
I will take care of myself so I can take care of my child
My body is beautiful and my body is healing
My body is amazing at sustaining me and my baby
One day at a time
I know what my baby needs
I am a strong mother
Every moment with my baby is precious. I am allowed to slow down and cherish them
The world can wait, this right here is important
My baby loves my smile. And I love my baby's smile.
It's okay to take some time for myself. I can't pour from an empty pitcher
My baby doesn't care about laundry or dishes
I can trust my maternal intuition
This is one day. I have many more to be the parent I want to be
I am in awe of what my body grew. I am in awe of what my body did. I am in awe of what my body IS doing.
I am not alone
I don't need to be perfect, I just need to be Mom
I am present
I can do hard things
Sniff that baby!
I let go of all that no longer serves me
it's okay to sit down
Breastfeeding is worth it
I can choose which parts of this experience to love, and which to laugh at
I am my child's biggest comfort
They're only little once
I choose to eat healthy foods so I can nourish my child too
It's okay if I don't feel love for my baby just yet. It will come.